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The Rhodes Cottage Museum is a place of peace and learning- set on the False Bay Coast. The Cottage represents many things, it is where a great South African Cecil John Rhodes died at just 49, an educational centre of early SA industrialization, and a study of Rhodes and his legacy that has created great countries such as Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi, as well as a place of natural local beauty. Questions about The Museum

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Contact 246 Main Road, Muizenberg, Cape Town
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3D Scanning by Warren Kirkland at

The Cottage Guide

  • The Bedroom: were CJ Rhodes died on the 26 March 1902 around 6pm
  • Front Room: that hold Rhodes Oxford and Mining Chapter
  • The Lounge: that hosts the de Beers boardroom table, together with numerous displays.
  • The Diorama Room: a unique historical piece of Museology of Rhodes’s Grave in the Matopo’s, Zimbabwe
  • The Kitchen: (not shown)
  • The Coach house
  • and Garden: that houses Rhodes’s Cape Cart
  • The Tea Room: (not shown)

In addition to this there are beautiful gardens with a Spring that provides ample water for the Cottage.

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